Week 4: Culture & The New World
Block One
Session Theme: Our inner dialogue and its impact on how we exist in the world.
Learning Goals:
Participants will be able to identify their inner dialogue
Participants will identify whether their internal dialogue is assisting them in uplifting themselves or hurting them and bringing them down.
Meditative Questions:
How do you speak to yourself?
If you had to evaluate the quality and nourishment of your thoughts, how would you rate them on a scale from 1- 5, where one represents not at all nourishing and five very nourishing
How often do you compliment yourself?
How often do you insult yourself?
Block Two
Theme: a general overview of how culture was impacted post-slavery and colonization.
Learning Goals:
Participants will be able to identify significant factors that impacted and adapted African culture, post-colonization
Participants will learn the difference between the abolition of slavery and a country gaining independence (i.e. Haiti, Jamaica, Brazil)
Participants will learn notable acts of resistance
Participants will be introduced to the concept of double consciousness and how it relates to identity, which is in preparation for a future workshop
Major Takeaways
Slavery is now abolished
The European colonizers established their colonies worldwide and destroyed the majority of previously established African empires.
Acts of resistance against the colonies in Africa and the Caribbean have significantly increased, along with the start and end of the civil rights movement in America.
Several African countries and Caribbean islands gained their independence and established sovereign nations.
The state of America led to a rise of Black leaders challenging the social construct of race, creating concepts like double consciousness and exploring terms like African American as opposed to Black or coloured.
Key Words
Abolishment: to officially end or stop (something, such as a law): to completely do away with (something) abolish slavery/apartheid. (Google Definition)
Sovereign state: sovereign state (plural sovereign states) A state (country) with sovereignty over a defined geographic area, independent of any other country, and has a government. (Google Definition)
Double consciousness: Originally, double consciousness was specifically the psychological challenge African Americans experienced, "always looking at one's self through the eyes" of a racist white society and "measuring oneself using a nation that looked back in contempt.” The term also referred to WEB Du Bois's experiences reconciling his African heritage with an upbringing in a European-dominated society.
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