Week 6:Anti- Black Racism
Block One
Session Theme: Defining Anti-Black Racism
Learning Goals:
Participants will be able to explain what anti-black racism and white supremacy are and what they look like in everyday life
Participants will demonstrate their understanding of anti-black racism and white supremacy by sharing experiences and stories (personal – if they are comfortable).
Youth participants will be able to identify their most important needs for personal well-being and critical challenges/barriers as a result of anti-black racism to accessing resources to meet these needs
Major Takeaway
Anti- Black Racism is the product of colonization
White supremacy is a form of culture
Areas affected by white supremacy and anti-black racism
Note: These factors overlap with these areas of people activity and the seven elements of culture
6 Manifestations of Anti-Black racism
Key Words
Emotional intelligence: the ability to be aware of, control, and express your emotions and handle your relationships fairly and compassionately.
White Supremacy: “the behavioural syndrome of individual and collective colour inferiority and numerical inadequacy that includes patterns of thought, speech and action, as seen in members of the white organization (race).” (Welsing, pg.12)
Anti-Black Racism: is the recognition of the history of slavery and colonialism, as experienced by Black people in the Canadian context. ABR is not simply a recognition but takes up the historical resistance and ongoing struggle of Black people. The struggles of ABR as we know them today are mainly formulated around issues of education, housing, policing, surveillance and disproportionality in child welfare and must now be expanded to resist the onslaught of dispossession of persons whose Blackness intersects with psychiatrized labels, discourse, indignities and ultimately violence - Dr. Akua Benjamin (https://www.oasw.org/Public/Public/Awards_Folder/Inspirational_Leaders/Dr__Akua_Benjamin.aspx)
Microaggressions: a statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority. (Google Definition)